Knight-Uha Legacy: The Beginning


Chantel Knight and Paka Uha are the two sims I am currently playing and working on playing through their legacy. Let me give you some background on these two and their relationship. I apologize in advance for not having more pictures of them, but I promise I'll capture more of their life together in the coming posts. When I started playing them I only ever thought about uploading to the Sims Official Site so I kept the pictures at a minimum since I have a modded game where everything might not be appropriate. 

How It All Began

Chantel Knight was a young adult who moved into her first apartment in San Myshuno. She spent every simoleon she had on her new apartment which left her with around $10. Chantel had always dreamed of being an artist, but she wasn't eager to become a literal starving artist so she quickly picked up odd jobs here and there until she could afford to purchase an easel. Chantel wanted to gain some painting experience with the hopes it would help her get into college by helping her with a scholarship and also by selling the paitings around San Myshuno she was able to make some extra cash on top of all those odd jobs. Chantel was driven to follow her passion of becoming a successful artist. Eventually, she was able to apply for college and had to take out student loans, but she was selling her paitings reasonably well so paying back the loans weren't too much of a hardship. She was late a couple of times, but always determined to make her dream come true. During a break between semseters Chantel took a fateful trip to the beach in Sulani where she met  her soulmate Paka Uha! 

Paka is a transgender sim who is also a beautiful merperson and enjoys music. He took an immediate interest in Chantel and the two struck up a friendship. They bonded over their creative interests and as the pair grew closer they became an official couple. Neither was looking for a romance, but something clicked and they became almost inseperable. Paka often came over and stayed the night while Chantel spent hours doing her coursework, created presentations, and wrote her thesis. That silent support helped Chantel to stay focused and graduate quickly. After Chantel graduated she spent any free time creating art to sell on the street. As Winterfest approached she spent the extra money she made on a guitar for Paka. Paka abosolutely loved the gift and immediately serenaded Chantel with a song. Paka being a merperson means he has a beautiful voice and he loves to use it to serenade Chantel at random times. 

Life Gets Real

Chantel and Paka continued to date exclusively and even discussed moving in together, but neither could decide on where they wanted to live. Paka lived in an old Victorian house in Willow Springs, but longed to live on the beach. Chantel wanted to stay in the city because commuting to sell her art would be a chore, and finding a beach house that would work would be challenging. Before they could make their decision life threw them a curveball in the way of a baby. Chantel was excited to be a mother, but also very stressed as the new arrival meant a lot of changes, including their plans for moving. Chantel's apartment wasn't going to be big enough for everyone so her and Paka ended up deciding to wait to move until after the baby was born as Chantel and the baby could stay in the apartment for a little while with no issue. 

Towards the end of her second trimester, Paka, planned a surprise baby shower for Chantel at a friend [and neighbor's] home in Willow Springs. Chantel made a lot of new friends there who already had at least one child or were also expecting, which was so helpful since she has no living parents. The remainder of Chantel's pregnancy went smoothly and she delivered a sweet baby girl they named, Sage Knight-Uha! Sage was very easy going baby who grew up to be a very sweet toddler. Finally, the time came to move out of the tiny apartment that had been her home for so long and move to Sulani where they found a nice beach house they could grow into as a family of three or so Chantel thought. 

Paka wasn't as ready for the family life as Chantel had hoped and so he didn't officially move in with his family but instead stayed over almost every night. Chantel was fine with this as it allowed for them to still co-parent and Paka helped with things around the house when not practicing guitar. He also loved showing Sage the water and playing with her on the beach. They often spent quality time together doing just that when Chantel had  to paint or go into San Myshuno to sell some artwork. It was around this time they also went through some difficult times as the relationship hit a cross-roads. Chantel and Paka attended the Romance Festival and after some of the punch Paka began fliritng with another woman. Chantel was furious and extremely hurt. She left Paka at the festival and refused to speak to him for days. Paka realizing his mistake gave her space and didn't try to contact her, but instead thought about the future of their relationship. A sim week later Chantel called Paka to talk and gave him a choice: move on as a complete family or let each other go. Paka wanted to be with Chantel and proposed to her with a clear mind. She had encouraged his dreams of being a guitar player, given him a beautiful daughter, and above all else he loved Chantel. After the marriage the family left Sulani and settled in Willow Springs where they would have more privacy and access to much better schools for Sage and any future children. Also, this home had three bedrooms plus a master so they'd have plenty of room to grow as a family.Another selling point was the backyard pool, because being a merperson, Paka LOVES water! 

Not too long after moving in Chantel became pregnant again with their second child. Sage was also excited to be a big sister, especially since she was close to growing into a child. Baby Gia Knight-Uha was born happy and healthy to her parents at home this time. Paka again was very hands-on with his daughter and helped out any chance he got, which made Gia a very happy baby since she was so well cared for. Like her big sister, she was a very easy going baby. Sage celebrated her birthday a few days after Gia was born and became a child. She is a daddy's girl and enjoys Paka teaching her how to swim, something she should probably know how to do😉). 

Stay Tuned! 

The next update will feature more of Sage, Gia and a new guest! 


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